The last tournament of the year was one of the most fun tournaments.
I played all three rounds, and got 1.5 victory points (VPs).
The first table was insane. The seating was Danz (Anson Master)->Johann (!Nosferatu Black Hand)->Troy (!Malkavian stealth-bleed)->me (!Brujah pitch). Plus, to make things livelier, the unopened prophecies from the summer Gehenna League were opened. It should’ve been good for my deck, as the prophecies allowed any minion to rush a vampire of a different sect, and gave everyone free diablerie. However, things turned out differently. The table was soon reeling from Danz’s 3 Anarch Revolts and Antedeluvian Awakening. I was gone within the first 15 minutes of play, and, soon after, Danz did himself in with his own Revolts. By that time, Johann was too weakened to do anything, giving Troy the sweep, and the table win.
In the second table, it was Haig (Wynn rush; what else?) –>me –> Toad (Celerity weenie) –> Dante (Tremere) –> Charlie (!Ventrue wall). This time, the prophecies slowed entire tables down, as they: one, forced everyone to spend one extra blood to play disciplines, and two, allowed players to discard five cards from their hands for every point of bleed they received. Haig, whose combat-intensive deck relied on many discipline cards, was severely hamstrung, as was Toad, whose weenies couldn’t afford the extra cost. Since I was using mid-range vampires for the round, it was easier for me, because some of my combat cards, such as Taste of Vitae, didn’t require extra blood. Since Haig contented himself with bleeding for one at a time, he didn’t pressure me much, which allowed me to go after Toad. I managed to get the VP before time ran out.
In the last table, it was Pilo (Tremere) –> Charlie –> Luigi (Giovanni Dominate bleed) –> David (!Nosferatu vote) –> me. In the last round, the prophecies weren’t too restrictive; in fact, I don’t quite recall what they were. Luigi was bleeding like crazy, and there wasn’t anything David could do, and he soon fell. Pilo and I had to make a pact to try to neutralize the threat, but while Pilo held up his end of the bargain, Luigi still got me.
The last table, though, was a lot of fun. All the while, we were singing all sorts of Christmas and corny songs, all to plague Haig, who was at another table. I think this helped me escape the effects of VTES Head, which is a headache from playing VTES for six straight hours.
On the side, I was able to make some good trades, and made some reservations for future trades. From various players, I got Sela, Ilse, 2 Scorpion Stings (David), and 2 Black Spiral Buddies (Dante), and reserved several of my cards for Charlie, Aurelio, and Karl. I nearly got Zayyat, the Sandstorm (the last Gangrel I’d been looking for) from one of my students, but it turned out that he needed somebody other than Jalan-Aajav.
All in all, it was an enjoyable tournament. Well-attended, too; almost 30 players came to what will be CCHQ’s last hosting of a VTES tournament. Kudos to Louie, Bart, John, and Jay for a wonderful way to end the year, and to close an era in Philippine VTES play.