Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Magic Thoughts (Insert)

Last Friday, I was playing Magic once more with my student during a class night. And I was getting my ass kicked royally. Oh, once in a while, I'd get my student, but the newer decks are just too fast and too powerful for my old retreads.

One win was sweet, though.

I had 2 Crusades out for my white weenies, and I had about 5 creatures out. My student had more than 10 creatures, but he was down to 7 life. He decided to attack while all of my creatures were tapped out, and he would've gotten me, if it weren't for the fact that I had a Martyrdom in my hand, which can redirect the damage to just one creature. Sooo, I shouted, "Take one for the team!" and Martyred my Scarred Veteran. My student was tapped out, and my soldiers, pumped up to 3/3, went storming in for the win.

I only play a few times a year now, but I still enjoy the occasional Magic battle.

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