Friday, September 23, 2005


Unlike in Magic, which makes a premium on selling rare cards, the major means of trading in V:TES is bartering, which is just fine for me. Instead of shelling out money for single cards, I can trade my rares for a bunch of common/uncommon cards that I need. And as any V:TES player will tell you, more often than not, the common/uncommon cards are what you'll need to build good decks. Although there are some rares which are must-haves, most really just round out the deck and help strengthen any possible weaknesses.

I was able to make two major trades over this month, one with Peter Bakija, my overseas contact, and with the Cheng-Chuas/Ong.

My trade with Peter (this one, however, includes a combined trade with Tonichi):

To Peter:
1x Life in the City
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Weighted Walking Stick
1x Unliscenced Taxicab
2x Deflection1x The Coven
1x Elysium, The Arboretum
1x Defender of the Haven
1x Revelations
1x Vox Senis
1x Jayne Jonestown

To us:
1x Mitru the Hunter
1x Enkidu
1x Potchli
2x Anima Gathering
2x Dead Hand
2x Earth Shock
1x Decapitate
1x Elemental Stoicism
1x Pack Alpha
1x Anarch Succession
1x Kingston Penetentiary
1x Tom
1x Jerry
1x Barry

To the Cheng-Chuas/Ong:
1x Blissful Agony
1x Blessing of the Name
1x Engling Fury
1x Art's Traumatic Essence

To me:
1x Pochtli
2x Zillah's Valley
4x Majesty (VtES version)
4x Speak with Spirits
6x Nose of the Hound
2x Revelations
2x Animal Magnetism
1x Iron Glare

These should help shore up my various decks, and give me ideas for building new ones.

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