Wednesday, May 25, 2005


If there's one clan or deck I truly hate to face, it's the Ravnos. Not the Ventrue, nor the stealth bleeders. The Ravnos.

Why? Two cards: Sensory Deprivation and Illusions of the Kindred.

Sensory Deprivation
Discipline: Chimerstry
Blood: 3
Card Text:
(D) Burn any retainer or put this card on an ally. The minion with this card does not untap as normal during the untap phase as long as the acting vampire remains in play.
As above, but put this card on any vampire in play

Illusions of the Kindred
Discipline: Chimerstry
Card Text:
Only usable before range is determined.Combat ends. Move a vampire from the bottom of your crypt to your ready region. He or she does not contest any other vampires or titles in play. The vampire has an amount of blood equal to half of his or her capacity (round down). Combat begins between the vampire and the opposing minion. Remove the vampire from the game at the end of combat.
As above, but the vampire has an amount of blood equal to his or her capacity.

I have not yet found a way to counter these cards effectively. Sensory Deprivation can only be removed by burning the vampire who did it, and...waitaminit, my minion cannot untap, but if I can get him untapped, then he can do something.

When I do try to take down the vampire who caused the Deprivation, he simply throws down Illusions, and he's safe.

I simply have to find a way around these annoying cards.

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