In my last post, I wrote about stealth-bleed, and about the ways and means one would have to use in order to deal with it. I also included Johann Ong's Asian Continental Championship (ACC) deck, which, I have to point out, isn't that aggressive a stealth bleed deck, since it relies solely on Dementation (DEM) to get its bleeds through. However, given the right mix of table dynamics, the 2-3 stealth stemming from Confusion (+1 stealth, +1 bleed), Deny (+1 stealth at superior), and Mind Tricks is often enough to get the job done. In Johann's case, it made him the ACC champ.

I originally centered it around Isouda de Blaise, but, as a 7-cap, she's too large to bring out quickly, and I wanted the deck to be speedy. So, instead, the center is now around Herbert Westin and Renenet, who both have Obfuscate and Presence at superior, and, at 5 capacity, are relatively quick to come out. I'm still not sure about whether to keep Antoinette, or swap her out with a 5-cap with obf and pre. I'll probably come to a clearer decision after testing this deck.
The weapons module of 4 Concealed Weapons and 4 .44 Magnums is also something I'm thinking about. A possibility is that I do away with it, and include other cards that prevent blocking, such as Misdirection or Anarch Troublemaker. Once more, testing will tell me what I need to do.
At any rate, this is a work in progress, so comments are always welcome.
A most merry Christmas to all!
Deck Name: Stealth PRE Bleeder (3-4)
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 18, Max: 21, Avg: 4.91)
1 Antoinette cel obf AUS PRE 6 Toreador G3 Primogen
2 Herbert Westin pot OBF PRE 5 Brujah G4
2 Renenet ser OBF PRE 5 Follower of Set G4
1 Axel Von Anders cel obf pot PRE 5 Brujah Antitribu G4
1 Evan Klein aus dem pre OBF 5 Malkavian G3
1 Louis Fortier aus dom for obf pre 5 Ventrue G4
1 Louis Fortier (ADV) aus dom for obf pre 5 Ventrue G4
1 Cristos Mantigo aus cel dom obf pre 5 Toreador Antitribu G3
1 Robin Withers dom obf pre 4 Ventrue G4
1 Tock obf pot pre 4 Nosferatu Antitribu G3
Library: (80 cards)
Master (11 cards)
2 Dreams of the Sphinx
1 Effective Management
1 Information Highway

1 Perfectionist
1 Rack, The
1 Sudden Reversal
4 Vessel
Action (18 cards)
1 Conceal
9 Enchant Kindred
2 Forgery
3 Legal Manipulations
3 Public Trust
Action Modifier (18 cards)
4 Aire of Elation
2 Cloak the Gathering
2 Elder Impersonation
4 Faceless Night
2 Forgotten Labyrinth
4 Lost in Crowds
Combat (21 cards)
6 Behind You!
4 Concealed Weapon
5 Majesty
6 Unholy Penance
Equipment (8 cards)
4 .44 Magnum
2 Camera Phone
2 IR Goggles
Combo (4 cards)
4 Swallowed by the Night
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