Sunday, October 13, 2019

PRE Midcap Vote (Deck Concept)

Last month, I shared my thoughts on voting in V:TES, and I am thankful for those who helped me understand the mechanic a little better, since, upon reflection, I was a little too focused on using Presence (PRE). Hindsight being what it is, I probably should have titled it "Voting with Presence."

Still, among the various strategies people employ to facilitate their voting play, I find that PRE provides a good amount of push in getting votes through, which is why I built a deck centered around that Discipline for my voting deck.

So, this is basically a midcap deck, centered loosely around Tara. Other vampires may acquire titles via Praxis Seizures; looking at the crypt, I'm wondering whether adding the Brujah Justicar vote card would be helpful.  

Ousting is facilitated via Kine Resources Contested or Parity Shift. The Enchant Kindreds are more to facilitate getting vampires out of the controlled region.

To be sure, this is still a work in progress, as are many a deck I've built, but probably more so, since voting is not a strategy I often use. While the deck may sometimes win, if the votes on the table are substantial (i.e., the presence of Justicars, Inner Circles, and the like), it will probably go down. More often than not, it will require some sneaky table dynamics in order to win.

Also, the deck is limited by the cards that I currently have. As I'm not fond of breaking up decks in order to build decks, I'll probably add other cards as they become available.

As always, suggestions are always welcome.

Deck Name:   PRE Vote-Bleed

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 16, Max: 25, Avg: 5.583)
  2  Mukhtar Bey                 obf pot FOR PRE QUI      7  Caitiff                    G4  Prince
  2  Tara                                              cel POT PRE      6  Brujah                     G5  Prince
  1  Tomaine                                    CEL POT PRE      6  Brujah                     G4  Primogen 
  1  Joseph DiGiaccomo                  aus dom for PRE   6  Ventrue                    G5 
  1  Marguerite Foccart                 aus pot CEL PRE     6  Brujah                     G4 
  1  Beth Malcolm                       ani FOR PRE             6  Ventrue                    G5 
  1  Hezekiah Rutledge                  ani cel pot PRE        5  Brujah                     G4 
  1  Bethany Ray                               aus PRE               4  Toreador                   G5   
  1  Reginald Moore                              PRE                  4  Brujah                     G4  Primogen
  1  Reverend Adams                       aus PRE                 4  Ventrue                   G4 

Library: (80 cards)
Master (10 cards)
  4  Vessel
  1  Effective Management
  1  Information Highway
  1  Dreams of the Sphinx
  1  Sudden Reversal
  1 Elysium: the Palace of Versailles

Action (13 cards)
  8  Enchant Kindred
  1  Entrancement
  1  Heart of the City
  1  Intimidation
  2  Public Trust

Action Modifier (19 cards)
  2  Awe
  6  Bewitching Oration
  2  Bribes
  3  Change of Target
  6  Voter Captivation

Political Action (23 cards)
  2  Autarkis Persecution
  1  Banishment
  2  Consanguineous Boon
  10 Kine Resources Contested
  4  Parity Shift
  1  Praxis Seizure: Amsterdam
  1  Praxis Seizure: Dublin
  1  Praxis Seizure: Glasgow
  1  Praxis Seizure: Rome
Reaction (4 cards)
  4  Second Tradition: Domain

Combat (10 cards)
  10 Majesty


Unknown said...

Nice deck concept

with 6 Brujha in your cript maybe a Brujha Justicars as vote card could be usefull

tsukinousagi said...

Kine resources should find some new card in future, it is so boring. In every political deck the same card minimum 9 times.

tsukinousagi said...

I agree, cool deck.

Eric said...

Thanks for the affirmation. :)

Whisker said...

As I don't know limits of your collection / available cards, my comments are going to be very generic.
First crypt:
I take you want to stay 100% Camarilla and below 8 cap. If so, where are Victor Pelletier and Mustafa, The Heir? Would swap then in place of Joseph DiGiaccomo and Marguerite Foccart or maybe Beth Malcolm depending how much you value that +1 bleed of hers. If 7 cap is not a hard limit I would also change one Mukhtar Bey to either Carlak or Epikasta Rigatos. Also if your not opposed to going inferior presence Vasily and Victor Donaldson as 6 cap princes are also an option. This way half of your crypt are Princes and most of them also have cel pre to play Scalpel Tongue.

Counting political actions you have 36 action cards in 80 card deck with no multi-acting, that's way too much. Let's start with PAs. With more titles in crypt you no longer need those praxis seizures (-4). Can add one Brujah Justicar if you want (+1). You have no use for Autarkis, they help your oponents more than you and thus need to go (-2). Your offensive package need diversifying, reduce ammount of KRC (-6) and replace with Anarcist Uprising (+2) and Neonate Breach (+2). I would probably also drop the Con.Boons and add one more Parity Shift (+1), if you have them. That's six less cards.
Action cards: Reduce Enchant Kindred (-3) and add one more Entrancement (+1). Two less cards.
Next Action Modifier: Vote push also need more diversity. Reduce Bewitching Orations (-4) and replace with Perfect Paragon (+2) and Scalpel tongue (+2). You don't have any Villein of Minion Tap in your deck, so what do you need Voter Captivation for? I would drop most of them (-4). If you need more bloat throw in more bribes, those you can use even if your vote fails, but I would first try going with just the current ammount. You have quite a bit of pre pot going even with the changed crypt, maybe throw in prayer copy of or Iron Glare (+1). Three less cards.
Combat: Is your meta so swamped with combat that you really need 10 Majesties? Reduce, let's start with modest (-2). Play a few times to see if this is good and adjust accordingly.
Reaction: You don't have any bounce and this is your only defence, you need more. Let's double the 2nd. Traditions(+4). Also consider adding in Rooftop Shadow or some other source of surprise intercept, to throw the curve ball when they expect you to top at 2 intercept(+2). Plus six cards.
Master: I expect this module is so strange because of card availability. I would change all those all those Vessels (-4) with two Villeins (+2) and Blood Dolls (+2) each. You don't have hunting grounds or Smiling Jack or any other unlock phase shenningans that would warrant paying 1 pool for those Vessels. Even if other meths destroy your Blood Doll with their own Vessels you probably end up positively with this change.
With these changes your deck is now 73 cards, I'm pretty certain you'll enjoy far better card flow and more reliable defence. With the newly Prince heavy crypt I would also consider throwing in few copies of Camarilla Segregation if you have the card, but first test how these changes work for you.


Whisker said...

Apparently I don't know how to count, PA are -8 cards so 71 cards in total.

Eric said...

thanks for the suggestions. I probably will try out what you've suggested.

Eric said...

Oh, and yes. We do have a combat-heavy environment.