Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My 2011 ACC Deck: Cock Robin Wall

Here's the deck I used in the 2011 ACC. In retrospect, I should have made adjustments for more forward movement.

Deck Name : Cock Robin's Wall
Author : Eric Tomas
Description :
Finalist deck at the 2011 ACC

Crypt [13 vampires] Capacity min: 5 max: 10 average: 7.46154

4x Cock Robin 10 ANI OBF POT aus for justicar Nosferatu:3
2x Nikolaus Vermeulen 7 POT ani for obf prince Nosferatu:2
2x Teresita, The Godm 7 ANI OBF POT for !Nosferatu:3
2x Calebros, The Mart 5 ANI obf pot prince Nosferatu:2
1x Ferox, The Rock Lo 7 FOR POT VIS ani Gargoyle:2
1x Gerard Rafin 6 OBF POT ani for Nosferatu:3
1x Sundown 6 ANI POT obf pre Nosferatu:3

Library [90 cards]

Action [2]
2x Army of Rats

Ally [2]
2x Procurer

Combat [49]
6x Carrion Crows
2x Disarm
2x Drawing Out the Beast
5x Immortal Grapple
6x Rolling with the Punches
4x Skin of Rock
2x Soak
4x Street Cred
3x Superior Mettle
6x Taste of Vitae
2x Thrown Sewer Lid
7x Torn Signpost

Master [17]
3x Fortitude
1x Golconda: Inner Peace
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
1x Slum Hunting Ground
3x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1x Sudden Reversal
6x Vessel

Reaction [14]
4x Forced Awakening
2x On the Qui Vive
8x Second Tradition: Domain

Retainer [6]
6x Raven Spy

Crafted with : Anarch Revolt Deck Builder. [Mon Oct 10 09:18:42 2011]

1 comment:

Cry Wolf said...

Lol. I like this theme better than the one before. And removing that ECHO thing was a good call. :)